Six Biggest Mistakes When Choosing a DJ Name (and How to Avoid Them)

Six Biggest Mistakes When Choosing a DJ Name (and How to Avoid Them)
Beginner DJs beware! Choosing the right DJ name is one of the most important steps, and one of the easiest to get wrong. Avoid wasting time rebranding by following our guide on how to create a great DJ name that will stand the test of time. Avoid these common mistakes and get a name that will help you launch your new DJ career.
A DJ name is more than just a cool nickname, it's a brand that reflects your artistic identity. It should help the world remember you and it should stand out from other DJs. The wrong DJ name can hinder your growth as a DJ and cap your success.
In this blog, we'll deep-dive into the six biggest mistakes DJs make when choosing their first DJ name and provide tips on how to avoid them.

1. Using 'DJ' in the Name
Why It’s a Mistake:
The context of where your DJ name appears, like on flyers and lineups will let people know you're a DJ. You don't need to patronise them! Using 'DJ' in your name will make your name appear amateur and similar too many other beginner DJ names. Using 'DJ' also limits your brand identity to one creative job but what if you want to use your brand in the future for other business ideas like clothing or production?
How to Avoid It:
Avoid using 'DJ' 'Deejay' or 'Disc Jockey' or any other variation of the job title.
2. Choosing a Name That’s Too Common
Why It’s a Mistake:
There are tens of thousands of DJs across the world. Having a DJ name that is common will hinder your ability to stand out and cause confusion between fans. It will also make it harder for potential fans to locate you online. Avoid generic names like 'DJ John' or 'DJ Beats' and look for more unusual DJ names.
How to Avoid It:
Spend time brain-storming ideas for your DJ name and come up with a few pages of ideas. Narrow down the list by removing all the common, cliche or over-used words. Now check your shortlist on online and search for DJs already using that name. If there is already a DJ using that name cross it of the list. Keep going until you find something unique that hasn't been taken.
3. Ignoring the Availability of Social Media Handles and Domain Names
Why It’s a Mistake:
It's vital to have handles that match your DJ name across multiple social media platforms including TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Soundcloud, Resident Advisor and more. This makes it easy for fans, media and promoters to find you online and looks more professional.
How to Avoid It:
Before your finalise your choice cross reference your DJ name options to find a DJ name and handle that is not already being used. Make sure there is consistency across websites, ideally using the name exactly as it is written. In the case that one or two handles are already taken but the majority are available you can consider varying some handles by using add-ons like 'official'
4. Using Special Characters and Capitalisation
Why It’s a Mistake:
Your DJ name should not be dependent on special characters or capitalisation. This is because graphic designers will often use special typefaces and fonts which may not have all the characters you're using. Graphic designers who make flyers for clubs and festivals will often use all lower-case or all upper-case formatting so your DJ name needs to work in both formats.
How to Avoid It:
Keep it simple and consider designers when creating your DJ name. Avoid using a mix of capital and lowercase letters, special characters or symbols.
5. Overly Complex, Long or Difficult to Pronounce Names
Why It’s a Mistake:
Your DJ name needs to be easy to read, say, write and reproduce in various sizes of artwork. Avoid really long complex names and stick to shorter names that are easier to remember and better for graphic design. Shorter DJs are easier to create logos for and fit onto small flyers. Smaller DJ names often mean bigger fonts can be used. Longer DJ names mean smaller fonts have to be used to fit them onto the flyer design.
How to Avoid It:
Show your potential DJ name to a graphic designer and to other professionals in the industry for their advice.
6. Forgetting to Reflect Your Style and Personality
Why It’s a Mistake:
Endeavour to find a name that reflects your creative approach to DJing or the kind of artist you want to be. It's ideal if people looking at your logo will be able to closely relate it to your music style or scene. Make sure there is not an obvious disconnect between the look of your logo and your brand aims.
How to Avoid It:
Consider what makes you unique. Your USP (unique selling point) should be communicated in your DJ name. Try and create a cohesive vision and brand identity.
Choosing the right DJ name is an important foundation for the launch of a new DJ career. Avoiding these six common mistakes will help you pick a name that is unique and reflects your style of DJing. Remember, your DJ name is the first impression, the golden handshake between you and your fans. They will often see your DJ logo or DJ name before they even hear you play. Make sure it leaves a lasting impact.
We hope you enjoyed reading our blog on the six biggest mistakes to avoid when coining your DJ name. If you would like more DJ tips, tricks, advice and articles click here for our DJ blog.