Music Production Studio Set Up

DJ Gym Oxford: What We Use In The Studio
When it comes to music production it can seem daunting trying to figure out where to start. What Digital Audio Software should I use? What monitors should I buy? Should I invest in plugins? These are just some of the things that should be considered with music production. However, fear not, as the point of this blog is to provide a quick insight into what I use everyday in the studio when producing, with a view to then expanding on all aspects in later blogs.
Digital Audio Software (DAW)
In the Oxford studio, I teach music production on Logic Pro X and Ableton Live 10 (the same as the other DJ Gym studios). Logic and Ableton are two of the most commonly used DAWs in music production and so it seems only right that we teach our students to learn to produce on these softwares in all our studios. Logic is exclusive to Apple, whereas Ableton is compatible on both Mac and Windows.
Studio Monitors & Headphones
When it comes to studio monitors,I use a pair of Yamaha HS8 2-way Monitor Speakers in the Oxford studio - I use these monitors as they provide very high audio definition and also because of their flat response, making them ideal for mixing. Also, for £229.00 per monitor I think they are very good value for money.
I also do use headphones when I produce and in this studio I use a set of Focal Spirit Professional headphones.
Audio Interface
An audio interface is a piece of hardware that expands and improves the sonic capabilities of a computer, and in my studio I use a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Mk2 USB Computer Audio Interface Mac.
MIDI Keyboard
For recording MIDI I use an Alexis V49 MIDI Keyboard.
External Resources
If you're looking for some more advice on how to create a home studio check out this handy video on YouTube.
Want To Learn How To Produce And Get 1-2-1 Advice?
If you would like to learn how to produce at DJ Gym Oxford or DJ Gym Birmingham get in touch now using our contact form and check our music production course pages here. Our courses are taught 1-2-1 so you'll learn at an accelerated pace with 100% of your tutors attention. We'll give you first hand advice on setting up your own home studio as well!
In this blog I have listed the equipment that I use in the studio. I plan to delve deeper into all the types of equipment I have mentioned in future blogs, so as to provide you with a better understanding of what to look for when it comes to music production.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email at: or come by the studio, I will be happy to talk you through it!
DJ Gym Oxford Studio Address: Unit 6, 116 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JE
Contact Us For More Information