DJ Courses at DJ Gym Oxford

The best DJ Course in Oxford!
DJ Gym Oxford has only been open and running courses for six months but we've already launched many DJ careers! Our DJ courses and DJ lessons are taught one-to-one so you can learn at your own speed, with your own style of music and choose your own lesson times! Lessons are available seven days a week at 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm! For more information or to book visit this page.
Our first DJ success stories!
Now we've been open a while our students have had time to grow and develop and we're proud to announce that with our help many have stepped out of the bedroom and into the main room! We've organised numerous DJ gigs for our students at awesome venues including Oxmoseshire, Freud, Cirkus, Genius Radio, Ministry of Sound. We have lots of upcoming DJ gigs including SW4 Festival, our annual Ibiza tour and amazing gigs in London! If you'd like to learn how to DJ and get gigs on completion of your course enroll now!
Custom Courses & More!
Aside from our DJing and Music Production Courses, we also offer Custom Courses and lessons to our students across all our studios (Birmingham, Oxford and soon Manchester). These lessons allow students to learn something different from what we teach in the usual courses. Whether it’s learning how to use softwares such as Serato or Traktor; or getting to grips with your controller, the aim for us is to make sure we cover everything you want to cover, at a pace that suits you. The custom lessons also allow great flexibility when it comes to scheduling as you can choose how many lessons you would like, when you would like them and how long you would like the lessons to be.
We also offer practice slots in all our studios, so, if you are interested in working on your mixing skills before you play out then get in touch with us and book out some time in one of our studios!
Click here to view our DJ courses and to book.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog and I look forward to seeing you in the studio soon!